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Disability Employment Services: Helping you Secure a Job

May 16

Disability Employment Services, commonly referred to as “DES”, provide assistance and support to people with disabilities that are seeking to enter or stay in the workforce. Good Sammy DES offers a range of services tailored to meet individual needs.

This article will discuss DES and how it can help individuals with disabilities secure jobs.

What are Disability Employment Services?

Disability Employment Services (DES) is a program the Australian Government delivers to help individuals with disabilities find and keep a job. It assists people with disabilities to access employment opportunities and work experience. The program offers various services, including career counseling and job search assistance, skills training and development, job matching and placement, workplace modifications, and assistive technology.

Who is eligible for DES?

To access DES, an individual must have a disability, impairment or long-term health condition. People aged between 15 and 64 years old and unemployed or employees for more than 7 hours per week are eligible for DES. In addition, people who have been receiving certain Australian Government payments for more than 12 months may also be eligible for DES.

What services does DES offer?

DES provides services tailored to individual needs to help people with disabilities find and secure jobs. These services include:

Career counseling and job search assistance: DES provides career counseling and job search support to help individuals develop their employment plans. They also assist people with resumes, cover letters, job applications, and interview preparation.

Resume and cover letter preparation: DES advisors can provide advice on how to write a compelling resume and cover letter to optimise the chance of success in job searching.

Skills training and development: DES advisors can provide job-seeking and job-keeping skills advice and training. They can help identify the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the job market.

Job matching and placement: DES advisors can help match job seekers with employers looking for individuals with specific skill sets or qualifications.

Workplace modifications and assistive technology: DES advisors can assist in identifying what modifications to the workplace or assistive technology, such as special computer equipment, might be needed to help get and keep a job.


Benefits of Disability Employment Services

DES can significantly benefit individuals with disabilities. It can give them the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to enter the workforce. It can also help employers recognise the value people with disabilities can bring to the workplace. It also promotes inclusion and removes barriers to employment for people with disabilities.


Disability Employment Services provide invaluable assistance to individuals with disabilities to help them gain and maintain employment. With the proper support and encouragement, individuals with disabilities can reach their career goals and reach their full potential.